Serving clients what they needed through marketplace

How accessing BluePallet’s comprehensive marketplace helped a cleaning product company serve their clients what they needed when they needed It
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BluePallet benefits

Benefits experienced  following onboarding to the BluePallet platform include
The freedom to search for and adjust product offerings based on real-time inventory data
The consolidation of customer information from shipping needs to product requests
Complete access to a nationwide storefront with a wide variety of products available

Executive summary

For a small, family-owned cleaning products manufacturer, managing and communicating with multiple vendors, securely storing and sharing shipping information, and keeping track of consistently fluctuating inventory levels was a daunting challenge. Manual processes for dealing with each of these tasks limited the client’s ability to reach new customers and meet their unique product needs quickly and efficiently.

BluePallet allowed the customer to consolidate customer information while serving a wide variety of customers with unique product needs.

About the customer

Based in Ontario, California, the customer is a small, family-owned cleaning products manufacturer. It uses its business to stimulate the local economy by manufacturing their products within the United States and working with vendors who do the same. The customer helps their clients replace ineffective and environmentally damaging cleaning products with high performance and sustainable alternatives. With a solid foundation in the study of chemistry, our customer’s leaders aim to change the way Americans purchase and use industrial-grade cleaning products.

The challenge

The client had to contact multiple vendors to inquire about product offerings and inventory levels
To provide their customers with the most effective and sustainable cleaning products, the client had to be extremely selective of the vendors they work with. Once these vendors were chosen, it had to conduct manual outreach to each vendor to learn about their product offerings, past customers, professional credentials, and current inventory levels. This made it challenging for the client to efficiently update their product offerings based on the latest changes in their vendors’ inventory and product lists.
Communication between vendors and customers was often time consuming and information sharing was slow
The small, family-owned nature of the client’s business meant that it was limited in its ability to hire a large team to manage the relationship between an ever expanding list of vendors and customers. This made communication between these stakeholders extremely inefficient. Manual transmission of information and numerous layers of correspondence increased the time needed to transfer data from a vendor or customer to the client. This made it challenging to keep prices, product lists, and even sales orders updated and flowing smoothly across administrative and operational departments.
Shipping information had to be shared with multiple stakeholders across product types and regional vendors
Customers all over the United States expect their orders to be delivered within the promised timeframe. However, each product type needs to be managed differently. Regional vendors also have their own transportation systems and product shipping requirements. The client needed to ensure that logistics partners, vendors, suppliers, and customers had the right level of insight to perform their role in the shipping process. Suppliers and distributors also needed the client to manually share critical information to carry on with product delivery.

The solution

A consolidated storefront provides a nationwide and regional marketplace with products based on real-time inventory data from a single location.
Each customer has unique product requirements and the client needs a way to manage the demands of each customer on a product level. This means product offerings must be continually adjusted to reflect changing customer needs and requirements. To do this, the client had to find a way to quickly receive inventory information from all their suppliers, vendors, and distributors.

BluePallet’s nationwide storefront enables the client to access mass market and region-specific cleaning products with real-time inventory data from within a single, unified platform. With this information, sales teams are empowered to communicate with customers and make delivery promises with unrivaled accuracy.
The platform gives easy access to a wide variety of suppliers who have been fully vetted.
The global supply chain has been notoriously unreliable in recent years. As a result, businesses all over the country must retain access to a database of suppliers and vendors they trust and can work with when needed. However, many businesses are unable to conduct the due diligence required to work with new suppliers and distributors with minimal risk.

BluePallet conducts comprehensive vets and checks on each supplier and vendor allowed to market their products on its platform. This makes it easy for the client to access a wide variety of suppliers to meet the demands of their existing customers while expanding their product offerings and shipping networks to serve a larger customer base.
A connected system allows clients to digitize, authenticate, store, and share important customer data securely and easily.
Salespeople, logistics partners, distributors, vendors, and more need to work together effectively before a client can receive their order on time. This information needs to be digitized for easy sharing, authenticated to ensure trustworthiness, and stored securely on an easily accessible platform.

A single, unified platform also allows key stakeholders and partners to consolidate important customer data and share this information in real-time to enable better collaboration across the delivery pipeline.

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