Do business with confidence

TradePass is our risk management solution that verifies and authenticates each company and member on the BluePallet platform.

Preserves the integrity of our community

KYC & KYB identification
Verifying the identity of your business and ensuring the financial and commercial profiles meet BluePallet standards
Insurance verification
Find and connect with new verified buyers, form meaningful connections and share information, and resources
Active credit monitoring
Find and connect with new verified buyers, form meaningful connections and share information, and resources
Ongoing transaction monitoring
Find and connect with new verified buyers, form meaningful connections and share information, and resources

Secure transactions and suppliers

Once members pass the TradePass verification process, they can digitize, securely store, and share their entity-level information, streamlining the buying and networking process in a safe and secure way.

To uphold the integrity of our network, TradePass conducts continuous due diligence on all members. We analyze thousands of operational, commercial, and financial risk data points to filter out businesses that do not fit your risk profile. This rigorous approach allows our members to connect with confidence, knowing that they are doing business with trustworthy partners.


Can’t find the answer you were looking for?
Feel free to reach out and we’ll be happy to help you.
Contact us
Are KYC/KYB and bank verifications required?
Yes, BluePallet is required to collect specific information to verify your personal identity and the identity of your business. They are intended to prevent financial crimes like fraud, money laundering, and the financing of terrorism.
How is my information and data protected?
We use a variety of security measures including SSL, encryption, and authentication tools to help protect your information. Our security measures include standard international data protection measures.
Can I add my current vendors?
Yes, you are welcome to invite your current vendors or customers. We would be happy to help you with that process. If you connect with them through TradePass, you will be able to conduct your business without any extra fees on your orders while taking advantage of the tools BluePallet provides.
Can’t find the answer you were looking for? Feel free to reach us out.
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Expand your network safely and securely

Connect with more chemical professionals. More opportunities. More growth.